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Respect Daredevil (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

"Okay, that right there. That's what I'm talking about. Okay, I find a guy in a dumpster, who turns out to be some kind of blind vigilante who can do all this really weird shit. Like smell cologne through walls, and sense whether someone's unconscious or faking it. Plus on top of that he can take an unbelievable amount of punishment without one damn complaint."
"Last part's the Catholicism."
When Matt Murdock was a kid, his father, a boxer, always told him to be smart, get an education, and find a good paying job like being a doctor or a lawyer. To not be a fighter like him. Even when Matt got in an accident trying to save an old man, which splashed chemicals in his eyes, permanently blinding him but enhancing all of his other senses. Only a few years later, Matt would lose his father when he refused to take a dive in the highest profile match of his career, leaving Matt without any parents in a Catholic orphanage. It was here, still struggling with his out of control senses, where he was found by a warrior Stick, who trained him not only to fight, but to use his senses to feel the world around him better than he could ever see. But Stick wanted Matt to join his army in a secret war, and the one thing he could never get Matt to do was kill another person, and so Stick left him as well. Matt eventually did become a lawyer, like he promised his dad. But with his enhanced senses showing him the entire city around him, and all of the crime in it, he couldn't stand not doing anything. Donning a black mask, Matt began to go after the criminals he couldn't lock away during the day at night, using his fighting skill to take them down and stop them from hurting others. Eventually he got enough notoriety to earn a nickname in the public consciousness, The Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Or, as he would eventually be know, Daredevil.
Designed to emulate Wilson Fisk's protective clothing, Daredevil's suit is also body armor that helps protect him from slashing and piercing weapons.
Vs Groups
Reading People
Environmental Awareness
Range & Strength
Throwing Strength
Throwing Skill
submitted by TheMightyBox72 to respectthreads [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Just take a hard left at Daeseong-dong…9

“I say that you’re way the fuck out of line, Chuckles. Are you an educated, experienced, fully licensed and internationally renowned master blaster?” I asked.
“No, but…” he tried to continue.
“But nothing, Scooter.” I said, “What, other than your insane xenophobia and nationalism, causes you to come to such unfounded, not to say stupid, conclusions?”
He looked down at the deck. Evidently, he was not used to being challenged in such a manner. He realized he walked face-first into a metaphorical wood chipper.
“I’m waiting for your answer, pally.” I continued.
Still nothing. He was either deep in thought or ill at ease from newly soggy undergarments.
“Want to know why I chose what I did? Fine, meet back here in 15 damn minutes.”
He looks at me with a most perplexed, and ignorant, look on his face.
“Dax, Cliff? I need you.” I say.
We go back to the weapons locker and I explain my idea.
“Let’s load a case of typical, TYPICAL Chinese-made dynamite. Then let’s load a case of American C-4. Be very careful with that leaky Chinese shit. Wait one. I’ll do it if you want and you can handle the C-4.” I say.
“Ah, Rock; yeah. We’d appreciate it. You being the Pro from Dover, after all.” Cliff agrees.
“No worries”, I say, “I got this. You make me up a nice, tightly packed case of C-4. For demonstration purposes.”
I find a near-empty case of dynamite and begin to judiciously fill the thing with random samples of shitty and leaky Chinese manufactured and Korean not-too-well-cared-for dynamite.
This stuff was so incredibly shitty and poorly manufactured that even when leaking and nasty, it was nowhere near as dangerous as its Western counterpart. It was loaded with so much and many interstitials, like sawdust, diatomaceous earth, literal horseshit, and shredded newspaper, the nitro denatured itself to some degree as it oozed out.
Plus, in the non-climate controlled weapons locker; the high humidity, salt air, and poor circulation from the small open grate facing the sea, the nitro had desensitized somewhat and evaporated. It left only sticky, thin, fly-ridden films rather than the usual ‘waiting for a good reason to explode’ puddles.
It was in no way as twitchy as that locker back in Nevada. Oh, but be assured, it was still a shit show.
If I really wanted to, I could blow myself, this boat and all occupants into the next dimension rather easily, but it was nothing like that old locker back in that disused Nevada mine. I still needed to be scrupulously careful as there could potentially be puddles of the pale yellow, viscous liquid explody stuff, instead of the thin films I was mostly finding.
Either way, it required caution and judiciousness.
Nitro’s twitchy as fuck and the last thing I need is a dropped nail, blasting cap, or hunk of the rotten box falling into an errant nitro wet patch…
Extra attention was exercised.
Dax and Cliff are halfway through, and I’m still picking through the leaky, smelly bundles.
“Next time”, I mused to myself, “I‘m writing in a ‘Handling fucked-up explosives”-clause in my contract. No matter how much I’m being paid for this, it ain’t enough…”
We find a couple of expendable, dry-rotted ‘life preserver’ floaty-rings, upon which we secure both cases of explosives. They’re tethered with a rope and primed with a number of blasting caps.
I let the head local Korean crank examine both to ensure that I’m not trying to pull a fast one.
He did not notice the 3-pound bag of Tannerite (an impact-actuated explosive) I snuck in the middle of the box of Chinese TNT.
“Now. Satisfied that they’re equal?” I asked. “Nothing fishy here. Just dynamite in bundles, with caps. Then, over here, C-4 blocks with cap. OK?”
He was satisfied; but only after letting a couple of the shiny suit squad check as well.
“Well”, I smirked,” So much for your ‘covert observation’, asshole.” This guy was DPRK secret service or equivalent.
“Holy cold-pack cheese-food product fuck”, I cogitate, “They are so goddamned suspicious”.
I ask Dax to go over to the pilothouse and borrow the mauled AK-47 I saw hanging on the bulkhead there. They keep it for run-ins with cranky sharks, walruses, and lovesick blue-footed boobies evidently.
“OK, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll float each out, and I‘ll trail with demolition wire. Once we’re a few hundred meters out, you can press the big, shiny, green button and detonate your dynamite. I even used 6 blasting caps, to give each bundle its own. You saw that. We green?” I ask.
He was, although suspicious of what I had in mind. He agreed although he refused to use my terminology, the stodgy prick.
So float away the dynamite case we did.
The case of Chinese dynamite floated out and away from the boat, leaving an oily slick in its wake. As it got to around 200-225 meters or so, I requested a rendition of the Korean version of the Safety Dance, as it was just too fucking hilarious to watch.
Once completed, I handed Doubting Korean Thomas the detonator.
“Your turn, Tweedles”, I said, “Hit the button to spark off your “much-better-than-the-West’s” Oriental dynamite.”
He grabbed the detonator, gnashed a tooth in my direction, and mashed down on the big, shiny, green button with a vengeance.
PFftt! PAH-foof! fuff
There was a cheery little pop, a puff of acrid smoke, and not much else.
Let it be said from the onset that I just selected examples of the Oriental manufactured dynamite at random. I didn’t look for the worst or leakiest. Though truthfully I really didn’t have much too choice in the matter.
“You! You swindled me! You knew the dynamite wouldn’t explode! Somehow you knew it!!” he swore in my general direction.
“Try it again”, I said after retrieving the detonator and doing a quick re-wire to another bank of blasting caps.
Gumeong-e bul!” [“Fire in the hole!”].
MASH goes the big, shiny, green button anew.
Pfffft!” *Pop. Poooof! Piffle. Blerp.
Nothing but a cute little pop, a poof, and a few acrid puffs of smoke.
He was crestfallen.
He had taken on the Motherfucking Pro from Dover in a necessarily explosive subject, with inevitably disastrous results.
I asked if anyone here was weapons trained. A couple of Coasties raised their hands.
“And you are? “ I asked the closest one.
“Lt. P'an Tae-Hyun, Sir”, as he snaps a snappy salute.
“Groovy.”, I reply and retrieve the AK from Dax.
“Can you squeeze off a couple of shots and hit that floating box of dynamite?” I asked.
“Yes, sir!” he replied, smiling.
“OK then”, I replied and turned to the crowd.
“Dynamite is usually pretty stable stuff and won’t detonate without a blasting cap or impulse source. A bullet will most certainly not detonate it. However, I’ve stuck in 3 pounds, imperial, of Tannerite, which is a type of binary explosive used for targeting. Tannerite will most definitely and energetically explode when impacted by a high-velocity bullet. I think we can agree that an AK-47 round is high-velocity?” I asked.
There were nods and a buzz of general agreement.
“Now, there’s the better part of a case of unexploded dynamite out there. That’s what we in the business call very, very fucking dangerous. Now those three pounds of Tannerite should vaporize everything within a 10-meter radius if it detonates as designed. Agreed?” I asked.
Again, there were nods and a buzz of general agreement.
“Lieutenant P'an?” I asked, “At your discretion. Fire at will. Or the dynamite case, as it were.”
He nodded. He walked over to the furthest point on the stern, checked to see everyone was back and out of harm’s way, as he was a consummate professional. He futzed around with the old AK for a bit and took a shot.
It was low and outside.
“Ball one”, I snickered.
“Sights are off. Not any problems.” He remarked.
The next round found its mark. The Tannerite exploded adeptly.
It threw sticks of unexploded Chinese dynamite over a 20-meter radius. They each sank into the briny deep leaving only an oily spot to mark their entry and eventual watery grave.
The top of the case of dynamite was blown off, but the floaty ring remained. We reeled it back in to find a few more scorched, but unexploded, sticks of fine Oriental manufacture explosive on the bottom of the case.
These were motherfuckingly dangerous. Cantankerous dynamite has no place on a ship.
I remarked, however, that this would be no problem. Dax and Cliff brought up the case of C-4, which I had wired with one single blasting cap and booster.
We had Korean Doubting Thomas and his shiny suit buddies give it the once over to ensure I wasn’t trying to pull a fast one.
He agreed, it was nothing but C-4 as advertised.
One of the more expendable Coasties jumped down on the stern transom-rack which is just above the waterline on the back of the boat. He wired the two rings together and set them adrift, tethered by a good nylon rope with my nasty, silky demolition wires trailing.
Dax was working the rope and I was handling the spool of demolition wire. I had a good 350 meters of the stuff on the spool and wasn’t about to return a single centimeter.
Old habits and all.
As they floated away, Mr. Kwan asked if we’d like a bit of refreshment, as, gosh, it sure was dusty out here today.
Of course, we agreed in unison.
Good old Mr. Kwan.
So, we’re unspooling our lines slowly, drinking our end of the day refreshers, smoking cigars, and watching our Oriental colleagues getting antsier every minute.
I knew what a case of C-4 was going to do when detonated. It would be one hell of a show.
I was so confident with my design I had Lt. P’ay return the AK to the pilothouse. Wouldn’t work here anyways if the C-4 failed to detonate.
But that’s not going to happen.
Dr. Pro from Dover Rocknocker has spoken.
Finally, I’m almost out of demolition wire, and Dax has tied off the tether.
I motion over to Herr Doubting Thomas and hand him the detonator.
“For ye of little faith”, I smiled, recalling the entreaty that even Satan quotes the Bible for his own nefarious uses.
But first, an encore of the Korean Safety Dance. They're guaranteed to raise a smile.
I look to the character fumbling with the detonator.
“At your convenience, good sir”, I say, dripping insincerity.
Gumeong-e bul!” [“Fire in the hole!”]. Mash goes the big, shiny, green button.
Even over 300 meters away, every one of us not only saw but felt that shock wave. It was like a solid Savate kick to the chest. The boat even rocked a bit in appreciation.
I smile, retrieved the detonator, safe it, and reply: “And that is the singular reason why I used good old American manufacture C-4 as a sonic seismic source rather than shitty, leaky Oriental dynamite. Any further questions?”
He shook his head in agreement, bowed slightly in my direction, slunk away, and that was the very last we ever saw of Mr. Korean Doubting Thomas.
The Captain saw and felt the detonation. He put the boat in park, actually, he handed it over to the sub-pilot for station keeping and came back to the fantail.
He wanted to know if we were now officially finished with our project.
We maintained that we were and it had come off very, very successfully; in no small degree because of his boat handling abilities.
He came over to me and shanghaied one of the translators.
“Doctor Stone?” he asked.
“Hrmph. Close enough.” I smiled.
“May I be first to congratulate your team. In eight sorties, you and your teams are the first to fulfill mission parameters. I am pleased to say that this will go on all our permanent records. It will mean bonuses for all present. I salute you.” And does with a naval flourish.
“No shit? Well, thanks, Cap”, I reply, “But I’m just the den mother for this special education class. Without them, and all their hard work, it’d never have happened.”
“I knew you would say this”, he smiled, “You are leader of men. We see that. You are teacher, but also not afraid to work. You should do this more often. Use your education and experience to train and teach others.” He says, shaking my hand.
Now it’s time for me to wonder. Did he hear of my offer back home? I don’t think he did, I’ve been playing those cards very close to the vest, as it were. I am now officially confused and bebothered.
But, since I don’t believe in anything, much less coincidence, I’m going to chalk it up to happenstance and just gratefully consider the source.
He asks that we wait here and he’ll return forthwith.
“On a boat this size, there are not too many places we can sneak off to…” I chuckle.
He returns with a very, very old bottle of something quite unidentifiable since it appears to be lacking a label. He yells something in official Korean and suddenly, a tray with little, itty-bitty demitasse-style glasses appear along with some smoked fish, I think, nibbles of some kind.
He pours a dram for all present. No one dares take as much as a preemptory sniff until he’s finished with the ceremony.
Everyone thusly charged, he begins a toast.
“Shoo-buddy”, I think, “I’ve been down this road before.”
It was quick, succinct, brief, and laudatory.
According to him, we had ‘hung the moon’.
I liked this style of toasting. Left more time to drink and for camaraderie.
The project thus finished, as we were running out of potables, especially freshwater, victuals, and toilet paper; we were headed back to base. That is, back to the hotel to see what our comrades who chose to stay onshore had developed.
But, that was going to be for another day. First, we needed to chug our way back to port, both literally and figuratively.
Before which, though, there were some housekeeping and paperwork chores. Dax, Cliff, and I did a quick reconnaissance of the explosives locker and created a ‘used’ manifest; which all three of us signed.
They may be officious, they may be obtrusive, but damn, they certainly love their goddamned paperwork over here.
We gave copies to the head shiny suit, one for the Captain, and we retained copies for our records. Along with notes that we expended two rounds from the pilothouse AK, as we were trying to out-officious these officious paper-pushers.
We made certain the keys were returned and logged in the proper logbooks and the explosives locker was locked securely, solidly, and soundly. Before which, we policed up the weapons locker and actually offered to the gods of the briny deep, quite the quantity of unsafe, leaky dynamite, and other ordinance that was more a disaster waiting to happen rather than inventory.
Seawater would neutralize the nasties and in the case of anything metallic, it’d be gone within a fortnight. and the phosphates might provide some nice fertilizer for some lucky passing Cnidarians. We were in water of near 45 fathoms. This stuff would never hurt another living thing.
The Captain was very pleased that we had taken that task upon ourselves. He wasn’t allowed to do anything about what was in the locker, but he was responsible for it and keeping the wrong people out of it. I commented that was a fairly stupid way of handling things, and he mentioned that he’d appreciate it if I made an official note of it to the powers that be once we go feet-dry, i.e., get back to shore.
I assured him we most certainly would.
From then on, all we had to do was putt-putt our way back to port.
It was going to take some hours and we’d end up berthing during the wee hours. This would not be a problem as our bus and driver would be waiting for us no matter what the time. He would briskly and without fanfare, return us to our hotel.
That we were actually looking forward to bunking back in the old hotel sort of gave one an idea of the Spartan arrangements we had endured for the last three days.
Most of the Westerners groused and complained in a humorous manner. Hell, it was only three bloody days. Some of our Oriental friends were so totally aghast they vowed to lodge formal complaints once they returned to dry land.
Odd that once we hit the beach, they all scattered to the four winds and not a single letter nor either a peep of protest was ever forthcoming.
Yes, this is an intensely weird place.
We wandered down the gangplank, cigars a-fume, and drinks recently and for one last time, refreshed by Mr. Kwan. The shiny suit squad was supervising the offloaded of the seismic data we had collected and had seen it soundly sealed and concealed in the very living bowels of the bus. It was to return with us to the hotel, where we’d demand a receipt. Then it would be off to the ‘Technological Center” on Scientific Street for processing.
They assured us that they’d handle that themselves. Evidently we were good enough to acquire the data, but not good enough to see the finished product.
Ack, Volna, and Ivan chuckled.
“OK, you pirates. What did you do?” I asked
“They can try with all their might. But without the decryption key, they’ll spend years processing encoded compressed nonsense.” They snickered. “We did offer to come and help set up the decryption for the decompression of the raw data, but they said they could handle it themselves. Oh, well. We tried. Seriously, we did.” Ack and Volna snickered.
“Well, keep it handy in case they come to their senses before we get out of here,” I said.
“Always our intention, Herr Denmother”, Volna chuckles.
“Oh, you heard that?” I snickered quietly.
Back at the hotel, the majority of us sent our sea-gear to our rooms via the on-site laundry. That being settled, the majority of us retired to the catacombs of the basement.
We needed strong drink, decent, non-tinned food, and seats that didn’t slop around every time you sat down.
Well, with the acquisition of our sea legs, two out of three wasn’t bad.
Since the hour was much too late, I decide that tomorrow, well, later today, would be a day of R&R for everyone.
Moreover, I was informed that tomorrow would be the “Day of the Sun” celebration, the insanely earnest celebration birth anniversary of Kim Il-sung, founder and Eternal President of North Korea. It’s supposed to be some sort of big, hairy nationwide deal. But aside from a couple of small posters, we heard little and knew less about the holiday and its celebration.
Everyone’s being even more uncharacteristically low key. It’s odd like there’s something weird going on here.
“What? Something weird and covert and sneaky going on in Best Korea? Pshaw, you old fart. You’re letting the paranoids get to you!”, I mused to myself.
This place will do that to you after a while.
I asked the front desk to place a note that made the rest of today a day of R&R in everyone’s mailbox. After another cigar, some decent prawn stir-fry, and a couple-twelve really stiff drinks, we were all ready to invade the land of Nod for a few hours.
I went downstairs for a drink, a nosh, and a smoke. I ran out of NK won as we tend to use them in Western Expat high-stakes poker games, so I needed to trade some of my weird Middle Eastern currency for weird Best Korea currency.
I was used to the 900:1 won:US dollar (equivalent) trade-off, but after cashing in the equivalent of US$500 in Middle Eastern dinero, I walked off with 650,000 won, not 450,000.
“Pardon me, Ms. Cashier”, I said to the nice little local woman behind the bird-cage security wires, “I do think you gave me too much.”
She took my stack, re-counted it, and proclaimed it correct.
“I thought the exchange rate was 900 to the dollar?” I asked.
“No”, she remarked, “Now 1,336.”
“Any idea what’s causing the fluctuations?” I asked.
She just smiled and shook her head ‘no’. I smiled back and tipped her 50 UAE dirhams for the information.
“Weird. Now what?” I mused.
Little did I know…
The next morning dawned dim and early as there some sort of something going on outside.
Oh, yes, it was ‘The Day of the Sun’ celebration. I discovered it was is an annual public holiday in North Korea celebrating the birth anniversary of Kim Il-sung, founder, and Eternal President and local Poobah-in-Charge of North Korea. It is the most important national holiday in the country, and is considered to be the North Korean pseudo-secular equivalent of Christmas.
“Well,” I thought to myself, “I picked a damn good day to call for an R&R break.”
Then I found out, why no one told us about any of this is still unknown, that the next two days after the holiday would also be considered a holiday.
Come to find out, there are all sorts of intrusive, inconvenient, and wholly unnecessary nonsense that accompany these high holy days here in Best Korea. There are exhibitions, fireworks, song and dance events, athletics competitions, idea seminars: “Think about it!”, and visits to places connected with Kim Il-sung's life, including his birthplace in Mangyongdae.
Shops close, the hotel televisions block any other ‘programming’ and show only ‘special’ movies. Either ridiculously fake documentaries on the life of the also ever so ronrey Kim Il-sung or movies he especially enjoyed. People parade to his statue on Mansu Hill to deposit flowers; later in the day, it resembled a pollinated glacier.
There’s general obviously forced elation, all of which is extraordinarily strained and appears fake. People are trucked by the groaning busload to the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where the dead maniac lies in state.
“Fuck this”, I said in the exact spirit of international amity, “I’m going to the bar.”
I go downstairs to the basement bar, and even though it’s a high holy day, it’s open early. It didn’t used to be open until the afternoon, but since we’ve arrived, they have adjusted their hours for us.
They have also doubled their daily receipts. So they’ve got that going for them, which is nice.
One of my favorite barkeeps was station keeping that morning. I greeted him in the usual style and expressed to Mr. Ho Gun the best holiday wishes.
“Hi! Ho!”, I said, “Annyeonghaseyo”, which comes out ‘Annie young eez-yo!’ in my Baja Canuckian dialect.
Mr. Ho laughs at my attempt at Korean, but he does appreciate the effort.
“Doctor Rock”, he says, “Dawn greetings. You will drink what?”
Nice and direct, I like that.
“Ye’ ken Greenland Coffee, me ol’ mucker?” I asked in a swirl of different dizzying dialects.
Koran confounds me, so I thought I’d return the favor.
“No, but I’m sure it’s coffee with some of your usual high-proof liquors, correct?” he smiles as I hand him a nice, oily Oscuro cigar.
“For Best Most Happy Returns: Day of the Sun”, I said, waggling the stogie, as I hand it over.
“However, you are correct. Normally, ‘authentic’ Greenland Coffee is a paltry 1/3rd ounce each of Whiskey, Kahlua, and Grand Marnier with excess coffee. Well, I don’t cotton to those liquors or measures. So my Greenland Coffee recipe, really from Greenland, by the way, is Siku Vodka, or any other high-octane vodka, as long as it’s premium. Then Immiak, which is Greenland’s version of Jagermeister, so let’s just go with Jager. Then finish it off with a shot of Tia Maria or Kahlua, if available. Oh, yes, then hot coffee. Silly me, almost forgot…” I conclude.
“And measures?” Mr. Ho asked.
“Whatever fills the cup”, I replied, in a bastardization of an old Russian toast.
“OK, how about a 35 mils (~1 ounce) stiff shot each booze, then hot coffee to fill your mug? With a chilled vodka chaser, as per usual?” He asks.
“Make it so, Mr. Ho,” I say. “No whipped cream or crème liqueurs, please. I’m lactose intolerant, and, well, no one wants to hear that…”
He laughs and whips together a very nice morning sunriser.
It’s a real day off.
In a very, very weird land.
It’s Festival outside and I stayed up most of the night calling people back in the world, creating and updating dossiers, doing explosives-tracking paperwork, worrying over logistics, and how and when the fuck we’re going to eventually get out of here.
Fuck it, double front. I’m doing my ‘people watch’, perched high on Mahogany Ridge. I’m taking, for the first time since, hell, I left the Middle East, some real downtime.
I figured I deserved it.
I was the only one at the bar, but after a short time, there were festival-goers who infiltrated down into the hotel's subterranean catacombs. They didn’t know of the bar’s recently expanded hours and when they saw me sitting high up on Mahogany Ridge, smoking my ubiquitous cigar, they rejoiced.
Obligatory Festival and alcohol! Better than beer and power tools.
In the Baja Canada time-honored tradition, I have a pile of the local currency sitting on the bar. At the new exchange rate of 1,386 won to the dollar, I’m making out like a bandit.
Drinks here are cheap, really cheap, to begin with. With this fluctuation in exchange rates, which I figured reflected the holiday, I was flush. In the chips. Well-heeled. I've got a lot of what it takes to get along.
So, I was feeling magnanimous. I was tipping people very well.
“Paper?” one local asked.
“Sure. How much for a week-old English version of the Daily Worker’s Manifest and Pork Belly Futures Digest? 100 won? Here’s 1,000. Keep the change.”
Not wanting to become over-caffeinated, I switched from Greenland Coffees after a couple to my usual potato juice and citrus concoction. Each one came in a tall, frosted gimlet glass, a very nice touch, and was expertly made my Mr. Ho after I showed him once when we first arrived.
Each one, with the current exchange rate, was about 500 won; an exorbitant sum for any local. It was about US$0.40 for me. I bought several for people who bellied up to the bar and tried to engage me in conversation.
I was used to handing out business cards, hell, one never knew where contacts could lead; and not receiving one in return.
Today, I collected four new business cards; two from various European ex-pats, and two from locals.
I guess Festival! time brings out the best and least paranoid in people.
It’s only 1000 hours in the AM and people here are already seriously lubricated.
This will be a fun few days.
I decided to get a rather tall drink in one of my 100-ounce Kum-n-Go travel cups. With all the hoo-ha going on around here, I haven’t seen a handler, translator, or guide since we got off the boat. I decide with all the shenanigans and goings-on around the place on this festival day, no one would give me nor my wardrobe a second look if I were to venture outdoors for a walkabout.
Besides, we’re on a bloody island. It’s not like I can go too damned far.
So, quicker than a bunny fucks, I get my drink, fire up a cigar, and walk around the lobby of the hotel. There are the usual comings and goings of tourists, local workers, the security forces, and all that allied tat.
I wait until a tour bus pulls up and all eyes are somewhere besides me.
Pfft! And I’m standing outside the hotel, looking at all the sights.
Which, truth be told, weren’t much.
Yanggak Island is a slovenly-manicured island with shrubberies, tracks, trails, and assorted support buildings. The river is basically hidden behind stunted shrubs and nevergreens, and the remains of the defunct golf course. There’s a stadium on the island, which was thronging with festival-goers today. I don’t know what sport, if any, they play there, and didn’t care enough to ask anyone.
There was a cinema hall, which was currently empty and looking in need of some dire repair. There’s some sort of Chinese health complex in the process of being built or torn down, it was hard to tell which. Needless to say, the scenery paled almost immediately.
I did, after a concerted effort, find a small platform that overlooked the Taedong River. It was a very nice little observation platform with a couple of new-Tudor-esque electrical replica gas lights and two concrete benches where a weary traveler could sit and just watch the river.
So I did.
I was interested in the fish of the river, and wondered if any of the locals did any fishing; or if it was forbidden, as are so many ‘proletariat’ activities are in town.
I did see a few locals, huddled out of plain sight, down by the shores of the river fishing with long, 10 meter, reel-less poles. In Britain, they would call this type of fishing ‘noodling’.
I didn’t see them catch anything, but in the bar later, I spoke with a local who told me that they catch various species of fish here. These include Asian Aroana, Blue Guppy, Catfish, Crab, Eel, Halibut, Hucho Perryi, Octopus, Orange Guppy, Pacific Flying Squid, Rainbow Trout, Salmon, and Tuna.
I’m not saying my informant was lying or embroidering the tale, but from the nasty condition of the river, I think Coney Island Whitefish, Cotton River Horse, Dumpster Trout, and Bugle-Mouthed Salmon would be the more common species.
I had enough perambulation and even though I wasn’t given the least look, I felt a bit uncomfortable out here. That unfiltered sun and equally unfiltered air. After that, I wandered back to the hotel and went to enter to go to my room.
“HALT! Who goes there?” some door guard yelled at me.
“An American tourista who was out on a walk”, I replied.
“Impossible!”, he replied, “Tourists are not allowed out without their guides.”
“Look, Herr Mac”, I said, “I’m Dr. Rocknocker, and I am an invited Western Petroleum Scientist with the UN special-invited group here to evaluate the country’s oil and gas potential.”
“You are not allowed.” He replied loudly.
“My good man”, I replied, equally loudly, "Not allowed? Not allowed? I’m a geologist, I’m allowed everywhere.”
With that, I grab the handle of the ornate door, take a slurp out of my drink, and sally forth into the hotel.
Of course, he goes non-linear. He follows me and is making all sorts of bad noise. He is almost literally dancing around me, pointing, and exclaiming that I’m not allowed.
Then, he made a bit of a mistake.
He grabbed my arm.
Really, really poor career move.
I switched my drink to my left hand and executed a pretty spiffy opposite-side wrist grab on the noisy little nerf herder.
He was so shocked by this turn of events, he went slightly white and was rendered mute for a short time.
I frog marched the little irritant up to the front desk and asked the head clerk there to explain to my captive audience who I was and why I was here.
The clerk smiled and gave the character whom I was dragging around a quick background on the guy who was currently holding him captive. When I heard “닥터 락 노커” [dagteo lag nokeo, “Dr. Rocknocker”], I dropped this guy’s hand and just took a few steps back.
After a minute or two, he comes over, very, very abashed. He apologizes as he wasn’t told that any Americans were allowed outside the hotel.
I told him ‘No problem’, as I really didn’t have any special permission and didn’t want to get the guy into any trouble. I offered him a cigar, which he refused, but he readily accepted the half-pack of Sobranie pastel cigarettes I had in the pocket of my Hawaiian shirt.
I decided from that point to just stay inside the hotel to smoke, drink, and avoid any further Imperial entanglements.
I wandered on down to the casino because I was bored and it was unusually quiet. Too hepped-up to sleep, too tired to work, it was that odd interarea between “should I be giving a fuck” and “who the fuck cares?”
Leaving the basement, I wandered around the ground floor, just taking in the sights, and looking at the “Festival Specials” at the hotel shops.
I found an empty, unlocked conference room that looked inviting. About two dozen chairs, a large wooden table, TV monitors, and a southern view of the city from slightly above ground level.
I walked in like I owned the place, as it is always monumentally easier to get forgiveness than permission, sat down at the head of the table, propped my feet up, found an ashtray, and began playing with the remote to see what was available.
Evidently, these rooms were available for rent by various factions, cadres, and other sorts of like-minded individuals. However, whoever was here last forgot to re-set the filters on the satellite television.
There was real the BBC, real-time. There was German TV, Russian TV, Japanese TV, and even some American TV; all the best of the absolutely prohibited hit parade.
I shut it down and left immediately. I went to find my comrades. They simply had to see this.
I located Dax first, as he was losing won at a rapid rate down at the basement casino. He said he’d spread the word to any of the team members down in the tunnels and we’d meet at Conference Room #1.
I had taken the precaution before leaving to move the “Occupied/Unoccupied” placard to indicate it was in use and that if you hadn’t reserved the room, you’d do best to stay the fuck out.
I waited the obligatory 20 minutes for the elevator and went up to ‘our’ floor.
I knocked on all the doors where I knew they were occupied by our occupants. I found a few of our team and informed them that if they were so inclined, there would be an unannounced, impromptu, and wholly illicit meeting down in Conference room number 1; complete with refreshments and real, uncensored television. They all agreed and said they’d rouse the rest of our team on the floor.
I was feeling so brazen, that when I went down to the ground floor, I stopped at the front desk and ordered lunch and drinks for my team in Conference Room #1.
“Oh, sir”, the desk clerk responded, “We don’t have any reservations today for Conference Room #1.”
“Well”, I replied, “We are in there and if it wasn’t reserved, how would that have happened? The room would have been marked as unavailable, which it clearly was not; as it was open and available and we are now occupying it. Therefore, it wasn’t marked unavailable so it must have been available; not unavailable as you postulate. It’s almost a simple example of the single equation theory of universal containment. So we are meeting there now and requiring refreshments. It’s simply a logical progression of the facts of the matter.”
“You are, of course, correct”, she immediately responded, distracted by all the Festival goings-on in the hotel, “Now, you said you’d like to order 4 dozen assorted meat and cheese sandwiches, two cases of beer, and a mixed case of bottled liquor?”
“Yes”, I replied, “You see, it’s only going to be a brief meeting. I’ll also need ice, carbonated and non-carbonated mixers, sliced citrus fruit, and an on-call bartender if you have one available.”
“Oh, yes sir,”, she replied, “That will be immediately arranged. Anything else?”
“Yes”, I replied, “I’ll need about a dozen ashtrays, of the larger variety. Also, I am going to leave explicit instructions with you to disseminate to hotel staff that we are not to be disturbed. This is a very high-level meeting of the scientists of the IUPG. We will be discussing, umm, ‘sensitive information’”.
I used the international ‘don’t-even-think-of-bothering-us’ buzzword to let her know were being very serious indeed.
“Oh, yes sir”, she stiffened.
“Marvelous”, I said and slipped her 1000 won for her troubles. All sighs of nervousness instantly disappeared.
“Excellent. Excellent service.”, I said, rubbing both hands together most Mr. Burnsly.
I go over to the conference room and see that our order has begun to already arrive. Have to hand it to them, you call for room service and you get room service. Especially if you’re well known around the hotel to be free with imported cigars, pastel cigarettes, and lavish tips.
One by one, my teammates filtered in. There was everyone from out earlier pleasure cruise, and most of the force that remained back in the hotel to prepare the paperwork for our ground assault.
Cigars, cigarettes, and pipes were lit. Sandwiches consumed and drinks were downed. After everyone had a chance to see their home-town, or at least home-county, version of the news, I decided that it would indeed be a good time to have a bit of a meeting. It was going nuts outside with the Festival, and as long as we were in here, we were being left alone.
After the obligatory facilities break, I returned from a 40-minute round trip to my room to get a couple of my field notebooks. I wanted a record of the proceedings, no matter how spur-of-the-moment.
When I returned, I thought the room looked a bit spare. I did a quick headcount and I noted we were missing someone. I glanced through my notes and saw that our Bulgarian geomechanic, Dr. Iskren Dragomirov Dinev, or ‘Iskren’ was not present.
“Hey, guys”, I asked aloud, “Anyone seen Iskren lately?”
There was a brief conclave and the answer was a solid negative.
I called the front desk and got his room number. I asked them to ring his room for me. His room phone rang and rang and rang, but no answer.
“Who last saw Iskren?” I asked the assembled crew.
The Finnish PT, Joon, recalls drinking with him at the casino the night before last. He seemed normally jovial as was normal for him.
“Anyone else? Or since?” I asked.
Again, the answer was negative.
“Something’s not right”, I thought, my rock sense was tingling. “Dax, Cliff, you’re with me.”
We all left, stopped by the front desk, and asked for medical assistance. We explained where we were going and the sudden absence of our Bulgarian friend. We expressed deep concern.
25 minutes later, Dax, Cliff, me, the hotel security chief, and hotel doctor were standing outside Iskren’s room. We had pounded on the door for a good 3 minutes. He certainly wasn’t in the shower.
No answer.
“Fuck this. Open it”, I said.
“Under whose authority?” the chief of hotel security asked.
“Mine. Dr. Rocknocker. I’m the team leader of the IUPG crew. Do it.” I said.
The door was laboriously opened, as both door bolt locks had to be breached. The room was dark, silent, and entirely unnerving. In the gloom, it appeared that there was a human form, unmoving, on the bed.
“I’m a rock Doctor. I think we need a medical doctor here.” I said to the hotel sawbones.
The hotel doctor went in without switching on the lights nor touching anything. He examined the mound on the bed. Apparently, it wasn’t a pile of dirty laundry.
“Was the occupant of this room a large Caucasian male, approximately 60-65 years of age?” He asked.
“Yes”, we all answered together.
“I’m afraid he’s dead.” The doctor replied.
Dax looked at Cliff who looked at me. In unison, all that was heard was a tripartite:
To be continued...
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

MAD Wendigo - Chapter 23 - Part 1

Want to read from the beginning? Start with the Prologue.
[Cover] — [Index] — [Previous: Chapter 22 - Part 2] — [Next: Chapter 23 - Part 2 Coming Soon]
Helena passed beneath the archway that led to the dining hall. The chill in the air nipped at her arms, even after she’d passed through the massive double doors. Though empty of diners, the sounds of the few cooks filtered up form the wide stairwell and into the massive room. The top of the three stories tall windows were unboarded and beamed morning light into the hall. But below, for two stories, plywood and all manner of junk, covered the glass and iron frames. It shrouded a good portion of the room in darkness.
Her steps echoed on the old wood floors as she dodged errant chairs askew from their tables. The occasional chair leg seemed to leap out from the dark, and Helena huffed as she pushed them aside. The chair screeched, and her ears burned from the sudden and violent sound. As silence fell heavy around her, the room seemed more ominous than she remembered it ever being before.
It had been years since Helena was a student sitting at the long tables. Since she’d casually came in and out whenever she needed a bite, taking the bountiful all-you-can-eat feasts for granted. The hall wasn't a fun social place anymore. It hadn’t been for some time now.
Helena walked past the high table seating and through the back door.
The tea room; a small enclosed room with cabinetry lining the wall. When she'd snuck back in second year there were stainless steel tea pots, trays of cookies, and doilies a plenty. A world transfixed in time as a part of the college's tradition.
It hadn't changed much, the same paintings still on the wall and the furniture looked original. But all the windows were boarded. There was a set of chairs in a circle around an old fireplace. Few were allowed in this space now, much like before.
Through another thick heavy door that creaked as she opened it, Helena started up the narrow stairwell. The steps groaned under her weight, crying out from the stress of years. Someone will break through a step if they're not careful.
She reached the top of the stairs and stood before yet another large window but this one wasn't boarded up. It looked out onto the street and another set of buildings. They had tried to use all the student residences at first, but it wasn't secure like the old college and they had learned their lesson fast and cruelly. A lot of good people she knew had died.
“I don't think you're being very objective about this, Kam.” The voices on the other side of the door drew her vision back to the stained wood. Before even entering she knew what trouble was waiting on the other side and her stomach lurched in anticipation.
“Objective? She is my wife!” Kam yelled. “You had planned this whole 'hearing' without me, and if Abi hadn't said-”
“We were merely giving you time to adjust.”
“Don't play this runaround crap with me. You can't make a unilateral decision on something as serious as this without all of us!”
Helena listened for a moment knowing this part wasn't for her, but stopped when there was a sound below. Monte looked up from the bottom of the stairs. His nose was still purple and crooked. She smiled inwardly as he climbed, that look of perpetual smirk smeared across his face like it was stuck there.
“Eavesdroppin'?” He leaned closer to Helena. His advances were nothing new and having decided offence only made the tease more fun, she stepped aside.
“Not in the least.” She gripped the handle and opened the door “Ladies first.”
The look her shot her was danger incarnate, but he stepped through the portal hearing his name called from inside.
“Monte? Good we've been waiting for you and-” Saul paused as Helena entered and he gave her a polite and respectful nod. “Helena, welcome.” He directed them both to two seats against the wall.
The room wasn't overly large but that was why they liked it. It was their personal persecution chamber, as she’d come to know it. The walls around her were the last people saw before being “asked” to leave. Where people were demoted from powerful positions. Where the fate of their small community was determined at the hands of those “chosen” to lead.
For years Helena watched the room evolve. From a place where good men and women found a way to survive into one where regular people found a way to bury those that fought them.
But she took her seat nonetheless.
At the centre of the room four square wood tables sat pushed together. On them tea, still steaming, waited with breakfast already prepared. It wasn't a bountiful spread but it was more appetizing than what Helena, and the other residents, would eat later in the hall.
At the head of the table sat Jonas Herbert, the newest tyrant and leader. He didn't coin himself as such but had each member wrapped around his finger. To his left his sister Magda, the dean of the college before the fall. Around the table more council members sat: Tae-Hyun Tokko, the bookie. Saul Delgado, public relations. Finn McCarthy, the objective conman. Evelyn Jekyll, the two face ice queen deserving of her name. Lyndon Jekyl, the queen’s son and accomplice. Abigail Raisa, mother, contractor and one of the best minds in the small colony. And Kam Singh, the new middle of the road voice to replace the ones already asked to step aside.
Each member of the council fit some stereotypical mechanism for self destruction that Helena had watched grow and change more often than the rest of the residents. Obviously, they each were far more than what they appeared but in this room they played their parts. They became the caricatures. Right down to the asshole muscle, Monte, and the tight-lipped doctor part Helena had come to play.
Monte played his role a little too well.
“So is this about the bitch or what?” Monte huffed, flopping down in the chair beside Helena.
Evelyn rolled her eyes from across the table. “A little decorum would be appreciated.”
“That what we're here about isn't it? That black bitch who-”
“Shut up.” Helena couldn't help herself as she jabbed her elbow into Monte's rib. “Just shut up.”
“This isn't just about Ms. Sparks but about the all the newcomers.” Magda spoke slowly and with an almost unsure tone. Her eyes were on her brother, Jonas smiling and nodding for her to go on. “We have a few options on a course of action-”
“I don't think we do.” Abigail sat back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest and her gaze locked forward. She seemed unmoved by the glares she tossed her direction from her other council members. “They're just like us and quite honestly treating them like criminals is going to cause more problems than we need. I think they should be welcomed and instructed on how we do things around here.”
“The bitch attacked me!” Monte said raising from his chair. “You expect me to sit across a fuckin' table and eat with her? This knew the rules before she left, and she still fuckin' broke 'em.”
“Were her actions unprovoked?” Saul asked, looking at his brother Monte.
“Not entirely,” Kam said.
Helena sat up a little straighter as Kam levelled his gaze her way. Here we go... picking sides. I hate this... “Two people Tish brought back with her were shot,” Helena stated the fact trying to avoid any slant.
Monte laughed and shook his head. “The kid was fuckin' infected! Last I checked we don't let the infected in.”
“The mother wasn't,” Kam said calmly, but his fists were balled on the table. Helena knew this was the hardest for him knowing what it could mean for the rest that were rescued. For his wife.
“This is the first I've heard of this,” Evelyn said, though she cast a quick glare her son’s way.
Lyndon leaned forward. “You killed an uninfected?”
“She attacked the doc!” Monte stood from his chair. “Like I was gonna let our only doc get shot?!”
“Helena?” Lyndon looked to her next but his gaze softened. Just remember they need you. They still need you.
“She wasn't infected. As to the attack…” Helena looked to Monte. This man stands the watch with me. This man, whether I like the bastard or not, holds a gun next to me in the dark. Don't be stupid. “Monte was well within reasonable actions to shoot, but she was not physically formidable. However, the amount of force may have been, excessive with the support we had in position. And he didn’t wait on my orders to act then or with the second group. He may need to be reminded that, per our agreement-”
“You are in charge when you leave the walls, we know,” Evelyn finished for her with a heavy sigh.
“How diplomatic of you.” Jonas rarely spoke at the meetings as his opinions often slithered from the others around the table. Helena shivered as he smirked, relaxed in his seat.
Excessive? The fuck you talking about, you were there-I fuckin' saved your life!” Once again, it took seconds for Monte to make an ass of himself.
“Enough, brother,” Saul snapped. “You should’ve taken her advice and shut the hell up.” Standing, Saul motioned for Monte to follow. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“We're not done with this,” Monte breathed to Helena as he passed through the open door. Saul stepped around the table and closed it behind his brother.
Seeing the inquest into the deaths was over, Helena stood and made for the door.
“Please sit, Helena. We're not quite finished.” Evelyn reached out to Tae-Hyun, and he passed her a sheet of paper.
Helena sat back trying to stifle her sigh.
“Now the question about Ms. Sparks’ actions as deserving of exile is obviously off the table.” Evelyn put on a pair of cracked glasses and looked down at the page like it weren’t lives they were discussing. “We won't kick her out but some sort of reprimand is in order. Any suggestions?”
“I think she's been through enough.” Abigail’s face was firm as stone, though Helena could hear the rage in her voice. “She’s been out there for months, lost Laurence, thought she’d lost everyone in her team, saw a kid get shot. I'd say she acted about how I expected any of us under that kind of stress.”
“I agree,” Kam added.
“Well, I'm sure Jonas and I would never act so rashly or violently!” Magda nearly cried, and a small chatter started up with accusations tossed around the table.
“Alright, alright everyone.” Evelyn knocked her knuckles on the table to get their attention. “We'll consider it a time-served situation and restrict her access. No guard duty for a month?”
“Fair,” Abigail said and nods went on around the table, most waiting for Jonas to agree before making their own “decisions”.
“Now, the next question is whether we can take in more refugees.” Evelyn turned back to her sheet. “Our supplies are not infinite, though some are renewable, and as keen as we are to take in everyone we can, we have to realize our limits.”
“This is a load of crap Evelyn, and you know it,” Abigail shot from across the table. “We can always use more help with harvesting. Not to mention fortifications. They're not just going to freeload anymore than the rest of us do.” Her words held a hint of sarcasm that wasn't entirely missed. “They'll do their part, I'm sure. Besides six of them are kids.” Abigail’s words fell heavy in the room. “Will you want to be the one explaining why we threw kids out as fodder for the wendigos?”
“That's uncalled for,” Lyndon said dismissively. “Mother merely brought up a valid point that-”
“Well then, what are the numbers?” Abigal snapped. “How long before we have to start sending kids off with a pat on the back and-”
“That’s not exactly constructive, Abigail.”
Really, Lyndon? I think you’re missing the fact that we’re suggesting we toss out survivors brought back by our own people, and that isn’t what we-”
“We’ve already brought them in,” Kam spoke up. “And I would hate to have to leave because you decided my wife wasn't worth saving.”
There was a note of threat in his words. A number of skilled labourers had come to the college with Kam. Even more liked his moderate voice since he’d been there. If he left, he wouldn’t be alone and Helena guessed it would be more damaging than taking on the burden of a few more mouths.
“Kam, you must realize we are trying to approach this objectively.” Lyndon straightened his crinkled suit as he backpedalled. “If you're finding your personal struggles-”
“I find the way you can all so easily detach yourself from these choices to be the real struggle. These are people. If there is ever a time to be personally invested and emotional it's when the lives of others rest in our hands. Do not be so quick to crunch us all to numbers on a page.” Slowly he stood from the table. “Now if that is all I would like to see my wife. Do I have... permission to release her from holding?”
Lydon was nearly blue in the face when he pushed his chair back with a screech. But Evelyn's hand shot out and she shook her head as Jonas nodded to Kam. It wasn't a direct order, but it was all he needed as the rest of the room agreed.
Kam rest a hand on Abigail's shoulder as he passed her and she gave him a warm triumphant smile.
“We're all very pleased you've found your wife, Kam.” Magda’s voice stopped him from leaving the room. “Few are soo lucky.” Her features had softened and her eyes grew weepy. But just as quickly as the emotion came, the next swung back hard. Magda looked haggard, confused even, and reached out for her brother, Jonas.
When the door closed the topic changed.
“Now, can we get down to the real business.” Finn eagerly leaned forward to the table. He was always half smiling, the greatest poker face and player she'd ever seen.
“I've talked with Kam, I know his vote as you all do on this subject.” Abigail looked just as ready as Finn to get to the nitty-gritty. “We say we wait before contacting the authorities out Ashley Cazalla.” Her words were careful and slow.
“We've gone over this, Abigail.” Evelyn let out a heavy sigh. “The whole reason we sent Laurence was to retrieve her in the first place to make the trade. What point would there be to hold off now?”
“Terms. Numbers. When it will happen. Are we really ready for a full evacuation and if so they're just....”
“A little too generous,” Finn said. “You don’t put a deal on the table and not bargain. Not unless the deal ain’t serious.”
“Unless they get exactly what they want!” Lyndon huffed. “They have been looking for Ashely Cazalla for years. Why wouldn't they honour the deal?”
“I'm just giving you my opinion.” Finn raised his hands defensively. “In the end, there's no honour amongst thieves. We don’t have any guarantees they’ll come through on their end of the deal.”
“We're not thieves,McCarthy.” Evelyn's eyes glared at Finn from over her glasses.
“Don't have to be to deal with 'em.”
“Okay, okay. We get your point, Finn,” Jonas added with a smile and Finn's smirk receded ever so slightly. “And you may have a point in all your bullshit. We should make a solid deal and be prepared. Making radio contact with them now to begin negotiations is a good start.”
“I still think we should be cautious,” Finn said.
“Maybe we shouldn't do anything while she's in poor health?” Abigail looked to Helena. “How is she?”
All eyes turned to her and Helena felt her palms get a little sweaty. Like standing in an examination room with all her professors watching each incision she was careful in choosing her words.
“Alive but bitten.” She took a breath thinking. “However, she's not showing signs of infection. I've spoken with Shannon, he says she was bitten days ago but still hasn't turned. Quite the opposite, but I'd like to speak with Reid once he's available.” Her eyes narrowed a little on Jonas but Helena stopped herself and looked away. It wasn’t her idea to lock Reid up.
“If she's bitten she should be killed.” Magda’s whispered words were automatic and more a mantra than an argument posed. Magda's eyes locked on something beyond them all, her features firmly set in a sad concentrated scowl. “All wendigos have to be killed.”
Jonas lay a hand on her arm, gently squeezing and she came back to reality, her face still trapped in some horrible memory. “This is different,” he said. “She won't be interacting with anyone. We'll keep her confined until the they come for us. Okay, Mags?” He looked around the table, making eye contact with enough key players. “Agreed?”
Nods followed until Jonas' eyes settled on Helena demanding a similar kind of obedience. “See to her wounds but always have a guard with you. She is to remain under lock and key.”
“I’ll need help,” Helena said.
Curiosity greeted her in Jonas' eyes.
“My regular duties are already stretched thin and caring for an infected will mean I’ll be too busy to treat anyone else. And I need someone with training and experience in medicine.”
“You mean Reid?” Abigail filled in the gaps faster than some of the others, but objections were quick to follow.
“That’s not happening.”
“He’s more likely to help her escape.”
“I wouldn’t trust that idiot with my dog!”
“Do we need to remind you of what happened outside the college?” Evelyn added. “He made a deal with this woman. No matter how much Shannon tries to convince us otherwise, we’re still looking at a man willing to let her go. Willing for us to all stay in this… place because he felt bad. We can’t put our faith in a man so easily persuaded.”
“Speak for yourself,” Finn chipped in with a wide smile. He pulled free a lighter and flipped the top compulsively. “I trust Reid completely and obviously so did our captive.”
“That doesn't exactly bode in his favour for the position.” Evelyn sighed. “If Shannon can be trusted, they deceived her. If not, Reid was going to let her walk away.”
“You want a man like that in charge of her captivity?” Lyndon snapped.
“Her health, not her captivity,” Helena insisted. “I can't stay up twenty-four hours to see if the infection wanes. And I won’t. He could watch her to relieve me for other duties and he would never be alone.”
“Seems fair,” Abigail said. “But I agree he shouldn't be alone with her after all that was invested. People died to get her.”
“We'll consider your suggestion,” Jonas added. “Now, for other business-”
“It's not a suggestion,” Helena said. Remind them that they need you. “I don't have time to train someone. I can’t take care of everyone myself. We need Reid.”
Finn chuckled. “How diplomatic of you indeed, Miss Black.” He tapped his lighter on the table before resting back in his chair. “I guess that's the end of that. Right, Jonas? Reid Lavelle's our new resident nurse for our good doctor.” He winked at Helena. “Good fucking luck with him.”
[Cover] — [Index] — [Previous: Chapter 22 - Part 2] — [Next: Chapter 23 - Part 2 Coming Soon]
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submitted by Leebeewilly to leebeewilly [link] [comments]

[MAD Wendigo] - Chapter 23, Part 1

Want to read from the beginning? Start with the Prologue.
[Cover] - [Index] - [Previous: Chapter 22 - Part 2] - [Next: Chapter 23 - Part 2]
Helena passed beneath the archway that led to the dining hall. The chill in the air nipped at her arms, even after she’d passed through the massive double doors. Though empty of diners, the sounds of the few cooks filtered up form the wide stairwell and into the massive room. The top of the three stories tall windows were unboarded and beamed morning light into the hall. But below, for two stories, plywood and all manner of junk, covered the glass and iron frames. It shrouded a good portion of the room in darkness.
Her steps echoed on the old wood floors as she dodged errant chairs askew from their tables. The occasional chair leg seemed to leap out from the dark, and Helena huffed as she pushed them aside. The chair screeched, and her ears burned from the sudden and violent sound. As silence fell heavy around her, the room seemed more ominous than she remembered it ever being before.
It had been years since Helena was a student sitting at the long tables. Since she’d casually came in and out whenever she needed a bite, taking the bountiful all-you-can-eat feasts for granted. The hall wasn't a fun social place anymore. It hadn’t been for some time now.
Helena walked past the high table seating and through the back door.
The tea room; a small enclosed room with cabinetry lining the wall. When she'd snuck back in second year there were stainless steel tea pots, trays of cookies, and doilies a plenty. A world transfixed in time as a part of the college's tradition.
It hadn't changed much, the same paintings still on the wall and the furniture looked original. But all the windows were boarded. There was a set of chairs in a circle around an old fireplace. Few were allowed in this space now, much like before.
Through another thick heavy door that creaked as she opened it, Helena started up the narrow stairwell. The steps groaned under her weight, crying out from the stress of years. Someone will break through a step if they're not careful.
She reached the top of the stairs and stood before yet another large window but this one wasn't boarded up. It looked out onto the street and another set of buildings. They had tried to use all the student residences at first, but it wasn't secure like the old college and they had learned their lesson fast and cruelly. A lot of good people she knew had died.
“I don't think you're being very objective about this, Kam.” The voices on the other side of the door drew her vision back to the stained wood. Before even entering she knew what trouble was waiting on the other side and her stomach lurched in anticipation.
“Objective? She is my wife!” Kam yelled. “You had planned this whole 'hearing' without me, and if Abi hadn't said-”
“We were merely giving you time to adjust.”
“Don't play this runaround crap with me. You can't make a unilateral decision on something as serious as this without all of us!”
Helena listened for a moment knowing this part wasn't for her, but stopped when there was a sound below. Monte looked up from the bottom of the stairs. His nose was still purple and crooked. She smiled inwardly as he climbed, that look of perpetual smirk smeared across his face like it was stuck there.
“Eavesdroppin'?” He leaned closer to Helena. His advances were nothing new and having decided offence only made the tease more fun, she stepped aside.
“Not in the least.” She gripped the handle and opened the door “Ladies first.”
The look her shot her was danger incarnate, but he stepped through the portal hearing his name called from inside.
“Monte? Good we've been waiting for you and-” Saul paused as Helena entered and he gave her a polite and respectful nod. “Helena, welcome.” He directed them both to two seats against the wall.
The room wasn't overly large but that was why they liked it. It was their personal persecution chamber, as she’d come to know it. The walls around her were the last people saw before being “asked” to leave. Where people were demoted from powerful positions. Where the fate of their small community was determined at the hands of those “chosen” to lead.
For years Helena watched the room evolve. From a place where good men and women found a way to survive into one where regular people found a way to bury those that fought them.
But she took her seat nonetheless.
At the centre of the room four square wood tables sat pushed together. On them tea, still steaming, waited with breakfast already prepared. It wasn't a bountiful spread but it was more appetizing than what Helena, and the other residents, would eat later in the hall.
At the head of the table sat Jonas Herbert, the newest tyrant and leader. He didn't coin himself as such but had each member wrapped around his finger. To his left his sister Magda, the dean of the college before the fall. Around the table more council members sat: Tae-Hyun Tokko, the bookie. Saul Delgado, public relations. Finn McCarthy, the objective conman. Evelyn Jekyll, the two face ice queen deserving of her name. Lyndon Jekyl, the queen’s son and accomplice. Abigail Raisa, mother, contractor and one of the best minds in the small colony. And Kam Singh, the new middle of the road voice to replace the ones already asked to step aside.
Each member of the council fit some stereotypical mechanism for self destruction that Helena had watched grow and change more often than the rest of the residents. Obviously, they each were far more than what they appeared but in this room they played their parts. They became the caricatures. Right down to the asshole muscle, Monte, and the tight-lipped doctor part Helena had come to play.
Monte played his role a little too well.
“So is this about the bitch or what?” Monte huffed, flopping down in the chair beside Helena.
Evelyn rolled her eyes from across the table. “A little decorum would be appreciated.”
“That what we're here about isn't it? That black bitch who-”
“Shut up.” Helena couldn't help herself as she jabbed her elbow into Monte's rib. “Just shut up.”
“This isn't just about Ms. Sparks but about the all the newcomers.” Magda spoke slowly and with an almost unsure tone. Her eyes were on her brother, Jonas smiling and nodding for her to go on. “We have a few options on a course of action-”
“I don't think we do.” Abigail sat back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest and her gaze locked forward. She seemed unmoved by the glares she tossed her direction from her other council members. “They're just like us and quite honestly treating them like criminals is going to cause more problems than we need. I think they should be welcomed and instructed on how we do things around here.”
“The bitch attacked me!” Monte said raising from his chair. “You expect me to sit across a fuckin' table and eat with her? This knew the rules before she left, and she still fuckin' broke 'em.”
“Were her actions unprovoked?” Saul asked, looking at his brother Monte.
“Not entirely,” Kam said.
Helena sat up a little straighter as Kam levelled his gaze her way. Here we go... picking sides. I hate this... “Two people Tish brought back with her were shot,” Helena stated the fact trying to avoid any slant.
Monte laughed and shook his head. “The kid was fuckin' infected! Last I checked we don't let the infected in.”
“The mother wasn't,” Kam said calmly, but his fists were balled on the table. Helena knew this was the hardest for him knowing what it could mean for the rest that were rescued. For his wife.
“This is the first I've heard of this,” Evelyn said, though she cast a quick glare her son’s way.
Lyndon leaned forward. “You killed an uninfected?”
“She attacked the doc!” Monte stood from his chair. “Like I was gonna let our only doc get shot?!”
“Helena?” Lyndon looked to her next but his gaze softened. Just remember they need you. They still need you.
“She wasn't infected. As to the attack…” Helena looked to Monte. This man stands the watch with me. This man, whether I like the bastard or not, holds a gun next to me in the dark. Don't be stupid. “Monte was well within reasonable actions to shoot, but she was not physically formidable. However, the amount of force may have been, excessive with the support we had in position. And he didn’t wait on my orders to act then or with the second group. He may need to be reminded that, per our agreement-”
“You are in charge when you leave the walls, we know,” Evelyn finished for her with a heavy sigh.
“How diplomatic of you.” Jonas rarely spoke at the meetings as his opinions often slithered from the others around the table. Helena shivered as he smirked, relaxed in his seat.
Excessive? The fuck you talking about, you were there-I fuckin' saved your life!” Once again, it took seconds for Monte to make an ass of himself.
“Enough, brother,” Saul snapped. “You should’ve taken her advice and shut the hell up.” Standing, Saul motioned for Monte to follow. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“We're not done with this,” Monte breathed to Helena as he passed through the open door. Saul stepped around the table and closed it behind his brother.
Seeing the inquest into the deaths was over, Helena stood and made for the door.
“Please sit, Helena. We're not quite finished.” Evelyn reached out to Tae-Hyun, and he passed her a sheet of paper.
Helena sat back trying to stifle her sigh.
“Now the question about Ms. Sparks’ actions as deserving of exile is obviously off the table.” Evelyn put on a pair of cracked glasses and looked down at the page like it weren’t lives they were discussing. “We won't kick her out but some sort of reprimand is in order. Any suggestions?”
“I think she's been through enough.” Abigail’s face was firm as stone, though Helena could hear the rage in her voice. “She’s been out there for months, lost Laurence, thought she’d lost everyone in her team, saw a kid get shot. I'd say she acted about how I expected any of us under that kind of stress.”
“I agree,” Kam added.
“Well, I'm sure Jonas and I would never act so rashly or violently!” Magda nearly cried, and a small chatter started up with accusations tossed around the table.
“Alright, alright everyone.” Evelyn knocked her knuckles on the table to get their attention. “We'll consider it a time-served situation and restrict her access. No guard duty for a month?”
“Fair,” Abigail said and nods went on around the table, most waiting for Jonas to agree before making their own “decisions”.
“Now, the next question is whether we can take in more refugees.” Evelyn turned back to her sheet. “Our supplies are not infinite, though some are renewable, and as keen as we are to take in everyone we can, we have to realize our limits.”
“This is a load of crap Evelyn, and you know it,” Abigail shot from across the table. “We can always use more help with harvesting. Not to mention fortifications. They're not just going to freeload anymore than the rest of us do.” Her words held a hint of sarcasm that wasn't entirely missed. “They'll do their part, I'm sure. Besides six of them are kids.” Abigail’s words fell heavy in the room. “Will you want to be the one explaining why we threw kids out as fodder for the wendigos?”
“That's uncalled for,” Lyndon said dismissively. “Mother merely brought up a valid point that-”
“Well then, what are the numbers?” Abigal snapped. “How long before we have to start sending kids off with a pat on the back and-”
“That’s not exactly constructive, Abigail.”
Really, Lyndon? I think you’re missing the fact that we’re suggesting we toss out survivors brought back by our own people, and that isn’t what we-”
“We’ve already brought them in,” Kam spoke up. “And I would hate to have to leave because you decided my wife wasn't worth saving.”
There was a note of threat in his words. A number of skilled labourers had come to the college with Kam. Even more liked his moderate voice since he’d been there. If he left, he wouldn’t be alone and Helena guessed it would be more damaging than taking on the burden of a few more mouths.
“Kam, you must realize we are trying to approach this objectively.” Lyndon straightened his crinkled suit as he backpedalled. “If you're finding your personal struggles-”
“I find the way you can all so easily detach yourself from these choices to be the real struggle. These are people. If there is ever a time to be personally invested and emotional it's when the lives of others rest in our hands. Do not be so quick to crunch us all to numbers on a page.” Slowly he stood from the table. “Now if that is all I would like to see my wife. Do I have... permission to release her from holding?”
Lydon was nearly blue in the face when he pushed his chair back with a screech. But Evelyn's hand shot out and she shook her head as Jonas nodded to Kam. It wasn't a direct order, but it was all he needed as the rest of the room agreed.
Kam rest a hand on Abigail's shoulder as he passed her and she gave him a warm triumphant smile.
“We're all very pleased you've found your wife, Kam.” Magda’s voice stopped him from leaving the room. “Few are soo lucky.” Her features had softened and her eyes grew weepy. But just as quickly as the emotion came, the next swung back hard. Magda looked haggard, confused even, and reached out for her brother, Jonas.
When the door closed the topic changed.
“Now, can we get down to the real business.” Finn eagerly leaned forward to the table. He was always half smiling, the greatest poker face and player she'd ever seen.
“I've talked with Kam, I know his vote as you all do on this subject.” Abigail looked just as ready as Finn to get to the nitty-gritty. “We say we wait before contacting the authorities out Ashley Cazalla.” Her words were careful and slow.
“We've gone over this, Abigail.” Evelyn let out a heavy sigh. “The whole reason we sent Laurence was to retrieve her in the first place to make the trade. What point would there be to hold off now?”
“Terms. Numbers. When it will happen. Are we really ready for a full evacuation and if so they're just....”
“A little too generous,” Finn said. “You don’t put a deal on the table and not bargain. Not unless the deal ain’t serious.”
“Unless they get exactly what they want!” Lyndon huffed. “They have been looking for Ashely Cazalla for years. Why wouldn't they honour the deal?”
“I'm just giving you my opinion.” Finn raised his hands defensively. “In the end, there's no honour amongst thieves. We don’t have any guarantees they’ll come through on their end of the deal.”
“We're not thieves,McCarthy.” Evelyn's eyes glared at Finn from over her glasses.
“Don't have to be to deal with 'em.”
“Okay, okay. We get your point, Finn,” Jonas added with a smile and Finn's smirk receded ever so slightly. “And you may have a point in all your bullshit. We should make a solid deal and be prepared. Making radio contact with them now to begin negotiations is a good start.”
“I still think we should be cautious,” Finn said.
“Maybe we shouldn't do anything while she's in poor health?” Abigail looked to Helena. “How is she?”
All eyes turned to her and Helena felt her palms get a little sweaty. Like standing in an examination room with all her professors watching each incision she was careful in choosing her words.
“Alive but bitten.” She took a breath thinking. “However, she's not showing signs of infection. I've spoken with Shannon, he says she was bitten days ago but still hasn't turned. Quite the opposite, but I'd like to speak with Reid once he's available.” Her eyes narrowed a little on Jonas but Helena stopped herself and looked away. It wasn’t her idea to lock Reid up.
“If she's bitten she should be killed.” Magda’s whispered words were automatic and more a mantra than an argument posed. Magda's eyes locked on something beyond them all, her features firmly set in a sad concentrated scowl. “All wendigos have to be killed.”
Jonas lay a hand on her arm, gently squeezing and she came back to reality, her face still trapped in some horrible memory. “This is different,” he said. “She won't be interacting with anyone. We'll keep her confined until the they come for us. Okay, Mags?” He looked around the table, making eye contact with enough key players. “Agreed?”
Nods followed until Jonas' eyes settled on Helena demanding a similar kind of obedience. “See to her wounds but always have a guard with you. She is to remain under lock and key.”
“I’ll need help,” Helena said.
Curiosity greeted her in Jonas' eyes.
“My regular duties are already stretched thin and caring for an infected will mean I’ll be too busy to treat anyone else. And I need someone with training and experience in medicine.”
“You mean Reid?” Abigail filled in the gaps faster than some of the others, but objections were quick to follow.
“That’s not happening.”
“He’s more likely to help her escape.”
“I wouldn’t trust that idiot with my dog!”
“Do we need to remind you of what happened outside the college?” Evelyn added. “He made a deal with this woman. No matter how much Shannon tries to convince us otherwise, we’re still looking at a man willing to let her go. Willing for us to all stay in this… place because he felt bad. We can’t put our faith in a man so easily persuaded.”
“Speak for yourself,” Finn chipped in with a wide smile. He pulled free a lighter and flipped the top compulsively. “I trust Reid completely and obviously so did our captive.”
“That doesn't exactly bode in his favour for the position.” Evelyn sighed. “If Shannon can be trusted, they deceived her. If not, Reid was going to let her walk away.”
“You want a man like that in charge of her captivity?” Lyndon snapped.
“Her health, not her captivity,” Helena insisted. “I can't stay up twenty-four hours to see if the infection wanes. And I won’t. He could watch her to relieve me for other duties and he would never be alone.”
“Seems fair,” Abigail said. “But I agree he shouldn't be alone with her after all that was invested. People died to get her.”
“We'll consider your suggestion,” Jonas added. “Now, for other business-”
“It's not a suggestion,” Helena said. Remind them that they need you. “I don't have time to train someone. I can’t take care of everyone myself. We need Reid.”
Finn chuckled. “How diplomatic of you indeed, Miss Black.” He tapped his lighter on the table before resting back in his chair. “I guess that's the end of that. Right, Jonas? Reid Lavelle's our new resident nurse for our good doctor.” He winked at Helena. “Good fucking luck with him.”
[Cover] - [Index] - [Previous: Chapter 22 - Part 2] - [Next: Chapter 23 - Part 2]
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Kickstarter Roundup: Oct 29, 2017 | 45 Ending Soon (incl: RWBY, Near and Far: Amber Mines, & Gloom of Kilforth expansions) & 60 New This Week (incl: Root, Okko Chronicles, & Munchkin Starfighter)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter tabletop games projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (But the occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between 12:00am and 12:00pm PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
Cahoots Card Game of "Co-opetition" 3-4 Players by Jay Treat Work w/ your opponents to score points through matching suits, but be sure to play the better card! A game of sneaky teamwork for 3-4. (Has currently earned $11,545 of $5,000) 230% 640 $18 10-30 kicktraq
RWBY: Combat Ready RWBY: Combat Ready is a cooperative board game where 2-4 players join forces to take on fierce RWBY villains and slay monstrous Grimm! (Has currently earned $698,852 of $250,000) 279% 7515 $93 10-30 kicktraq
Generations - A Game of Ancestry & Rebirth Generations is a roleplay focused game set on an alt-Earth where, when you die, your next generation is born from your corpse. (Has currently earned $1,230 of $750) 164% 46 $27 10-30 kicktraq
Brownie Points Card Game - The Ultimate Game of Slap Attacks A family game for everyone that requires both speed and mental toughness through the use of Slap Attacks, Dog Houses and Nope cards. (Has currently earned $3,809 of $3,600) 105% 42 $91 10-30 kicktraq #take2
Orbis Mundi 2 - Real Medieval Life OM2 is an expanded and updated version of the original Orbis Mundi, covering the reality of Medieval European Life for Role Players. (Has currently earned $13,284 AUD of $1,000 AUD) 1328% 351 $38 AUD 10-30 kicktraq #rpg
GameChips 2017 The ultimate tabletop game accessory (Has currently earned $5,522 of $1,000) 552% 21 $263 10-30 kicktraq #bling
LexiCon 2018 Tabletop Gaming and RPG Con - Are You Ready? More Boardgaming Events, More Boardgames, More RPGs, More Games in the Library, More People and More Fun! April 20 to 22, 2018. (Has currently earned $8,297 of $5,000) 165% 99 $84 10-30 kicktraq #con
SPIRIT® SPIRIT® is a Drinking Card Game aimed at both alcohol and non-alcohol drinking players... Yes!! That means ANYONE can play! (Has currently earned £3,382 of £3,000) 112% 87 £39 10-31 kicktraq #take2
Friend Facts - A Game of Conversation! A game that encourages players to put their phones down and truly connect with one another through questions, scenarios, & stories! (Has currently earned $1,609 of $1,000) 160% 44 $37 10-31 kicktraq
PANIC! Panic! is a fun, fast paced, 2 to 8 player card game of commodity trading between the wealthiest of ladies and gentlemen. (Has currently earned $5,734 of $6,800) 84% 218 $26 10-31 kicktraq #take2
Relicblade: The Wretched Hive Fantasy Miniature Game Two new Relicblade Factions. Employ cruel denizens of a dangerous Wretched Hive, or ally yourself with the outlandish Wilderkin. (Has currently earned $27,159 of $10,000) 271% 242 $112 10-31 kicktraq #expansion base game
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game Expansions The first set of expansions to Gloom of Kilforth the sell-out Fantasy Quest Game, plus the reprint of the original game! (Has currently earned £153,145 of £27,000) 567% 2454 £62 10-31 kicktraq #expansion base game
Hardwood Gaming Accessories/Terrain/Dice Trays/Deck Boxes This campaign shows off some of my most popular items from previous campaigns, along with a few NEW and fun tabletop accessories. (Has currently earned $1,530 of $2,500) 61% 30 $51 10-31 kicktraq #bling
Alien Adventurers - 32mm resin miniatures A collection of alien adventurer character minis. Cast in detailed 32 mm resin for tabletop gamers, collectors, and painters. (Has currently earned $2,062 of $1,500) 137% 59 $35 11-01 kicktraq #minis
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes A Mythos horror themed tabletop miniature skirmish game that lets you lead your own cult of evil worshippers to glory and infamy! (Has currently earned $17,369 CAD of $15,000 CAD) 115% 154 $113 CAD 11-01 kicktraq
Zombie Doctor - The Zombie Card Game Zombie Doctor is a frantic card-turning game. Amputate, reattach and swap limbs to survive. It's your turn not to turn! (Has currently earned £4,564 of £5,000) 91% 143 £32 11-01 kicktraq
The Hobby Holder - A Better Way to Paint Miniatures An all-in-one holder and grip for miniature painting, sculpting, model building and more. Improve technique and get to your game faster (Has currently earned $69,111 of $16,500) 418% 2076 $33 11-01 kicktraq #bling
Scream or Die! Compete to Collect 13 Candy on Halloween Night in this fast-paced, family friendly dice game for 2-8 monsters. People can play too. (Has currently earned $8,753 of $6,500) 134% 209 $42 11-01 kicktraq #take2
OX the Game OX is a two-player travel game, which combines strategy and luck. It's perfect for any traveller or game lover. Play fast. Play again. (Has currently earned £6,368 of £5,000) 127% 219 £29 11-01 kicktraq
Dice Hospital - a 1-4 player game. Roll, Treat, Discharge! A worker placement and dice manipulation game! Featuring beautiful art, novel mechanics and a unique theme where the dice are patients! (Has currently earned £117,407 of £12,750) 920% 1932 £61 11-01 kicktraq
End of the Trail - Find fortune in the California Gold Rush Search the land, press your luck, pitch your tents, and play your cards right to strike it rich in this game for 2-4 prospectors. (Has currently earned $18,613 of $7,000) 265% 459 $41 11-01 kicktraq
Mazing Board Game Mazing is a 2-4 player board game in which you and your opponents build mazes to block each other and forge your own path to victory! (Has currently earned $8,687 of $10,000) 86% 138 $63 11-02 kicktraq
Mini Gangs Skirmish Game Mini Gangs is a fast to play tabletop skirmish game for 2 or more players. (Has currently earned £2,777 of £2,000) 138% 74 £38 11-02 kicktraq
DinoGenics: Dinosaur Park Management Compete to build the most popular and profitable dinosaur park in this thematic worker placement board game. (Has currently earned $90,166 of $30,000) 300% 1689 $53 11-02 kicktraq #take2
Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse An RPG of Mice and their Motorcycle Clubs (Has currently earned $6,546 of $4,725) 138% 335 $20 11-02 kicktraq #rpg
Coma Ward: The Horror Board Game The suspense-thriller tabletop game that engages the imagination with horror-movie-worthy phenomenon a new nightmare with each play! (Has currently earned $68,263 of $30,000) 227% 860 $79 11-02 kicktraq
Panzer Orders Western Front The World War 2 card game for solitaire and two players (Has currently earned £5,147 of £700) 735% 121 £43 11-02 kicktraq
Diehard Miniatures: Undead Rising. The Undead Rising set will encompass both Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures. Small skirmish units to a full army, the choice is yours! (Has currently earned £7,779 of £3,000) 259% 146 £53 11-02 kicktraq #minis
Ember: Ultimate Collection + Limited Edition Wood Deck Boxes The epic creature conjuring game is back for one final roar! Shipping November - get your copy for Christmas! With subsidised shipping! (Has currently earned £6,299 of £500) 1259% 114 £55 11-02 kicktraq #reprint bgg
Munchkin Starfinder A Starfinder-themed version of Munchkin complete with looting, lasers, and levels! (Has currently earned $49,993 of $10,000) 499% 786 $64 11-02 kicktraq #expansion base game
RATLAND: conquest of the sewers! Think like a rat, act like a rat. BE A RAT. Become master of the sewers. But watch out for your neighbors! (Has currently earned $40,314 of $15,000) 268% 1000 $40 11-02 kicktraq
AndoCon 2018 AndoCon 2018 is an Atlanta-based gaming convention focused on gaming and the geeky lifestyle. (Has currently earned $5,930 of $7,000) 84% 63 $94 11-02 kicktraq #con
Haunt the House BOO! Out-ghost your friends! Go invisible to fool your foes or stay visible for awesome powers. 2-4 players, 30 spooktastic minutes! (Has currently earned $26,833 CAD of $8,000 CAD) 335% 624 $43 CAD 11-02 kicktraq
Detective: City of Angels Detective: City of Angels is a board game where detectives solve mysteries in the dark and violent world of 1940's Los Angeles. (Has currently earned $164,351 of $40,000) 410% 1966 $84 11-03 kicktraq
Gangs of Britannia A 3-5 player gangster game. Conquer your rivals' turf by clever dealing or cunning deceiving. Got what it takes to control the streets? (Has currently earned £9,937 of £10,000) 99% 148 £67 11-03 kicktraq
SUMMERTIME by Terrains4Games Incredible summertime wargaming scenery – all terrains are hand-made, painted and ready-to-play. (Has currently earned $1,753 of $1,000) 175% 20 $88 11-03 kicktraq
Balzie the cat : A card picking game; practice your telepathic, mind reading and poker face skills - all while tryin' to keep away Balzie's.. (Has currently earned $763 CAD of $1,500 CAD) 50% 52 $15 CAD 11-03 kicktraq
The Mennonite Game Card Game A fun, strategic card game based on "The Mennonite Game" where people discover that they are connected in various ways! (Has currently earned $7,635 of $3,750) 203% 156 $49 11-03 kicktraq
Near and Far: Amber Mines The first expansion for Near and Far. (Has currently earned $318,936 of $20,000) 1594% 5656 $56 11-03 kicktraq #expansion base game
Park Smarts Adventures Board Games on National Parks Park Smarts Adventures Magnetic Board Games on National Parks Featuring Yellowstone & Grand Canyon National Park. (Has currently earned $27,944 of $7,500) 372% 394 $71 11-04 kicktraq
Patriots & Redcoats A hidden-identity card game of spies, sabotage, & skirmishes during America's War for Independence. 20-min tabletop fun for 4-10 peeps. (Has currently earned $13,571 of $9,999) 135% 286 $47 11-04 kicktraq
INTELLE - Hack or Be Hacked It's hacker vs. hacker and the corporate mainframe is the target in this quick abstract strategy game for 2 players. (Has currently earned $2,064 of $2,000) 103% 87 $24 11-04 kicktraq
Electioneer - Hong Kong Election Board Game Bilingual. Colourful Design. Fun to play. Let's explore HK. (Has currently earned HK$71,449 of HK$65,000) 109% 144 HK$496 11-05 kicktraq #take2
TSUKUYUMI - FULL MOON DOWN - a strategic board game A strategic tabletop board game in which unique, asymmetric factions fight for world domination after the moon crashed into earth. (Has currently earned €69,898 of €36,000) 194% 633 €110 11-05 kicktraq
Common (or Garden) Gnomes A set of 13 detailed male & female 28mm scale gnome miniatures, suitable for all your Fantasy miniature games, from Midlam Miniatures. (Has currently earned £3,706 of £600) 617% 120 £31 11-05 kicktraq #minis
Leviathan 2-player nautical combat "micro" card game inspired by Moby Dick. (Has currently earned $6,839 of $11,000) 62% 259 $26 11-05 kicktraq

New This Week

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
"How Do I Feel?" Emotions Game This hands-on game helps kids identify, communicate, and manage their emotions in a fun and effective way! (Has currently earned $991 of $17,500) 5% 17 $58 11-22
Airborne Commander: SNAFU No plan survives contact with the enemy! Can you handle the New Airborne Commander expansion SNAFU! (Has currently earned $3,278 of $1,000) 327% 217 $15 11-24 #expansion base game
Albedo Albedo is an 8 player* non-party game deck builder with minimum downtime due to simultaneous action selection. (with two game boxes) *(Has currently earned €342 of €5,000) 6% 10 €34 11-26
Ancient Aliens - Creators of Civilization Use your alien race & technology to improve your humans to civilized stage. For 2-4 players, ages 12+. Playing time 60-90 minutes. (Has currently earned kr30,795 SEK of kr140,000 SEK) 21% 36 kr855 SEK 11-22 #take2
Aydolon: Age of Heroes A game of fierce, exciting action where players team up to defeat challenging boss monsters. (Has currently earned $435 of $6,500) 6% 8 $54 11-17
BEERtle Royale BEERtle Royale is a drinking-battle-card game where your drink is your life! (Has currently earned $631 of $5,000) 12% 8 $79 #lolwut
Best Treehouse Ever: Forest of Fun by Scott Almes. Explore the forest in this stand-alone sequel to Best Treehouse Ever that expands the Golden Geek nominee to play up to 8 players! (Has currently earned $17,185 of $15,000) 114% 453 $38 11-09
Bigfoot vs. Yeti A battle is brewing between Bigfoot the king of cryptids and his abominable cousin the Yeti, who is sick of being left out in the cold. (Has currently earned $2,300 of $6,000) 38% 108 $21 11-21
Calling the Shots! Game Night and Movie Night team up in this fast-paced card game that you play while watching ANY action movie. (Has currently earned $1,935 of $17,000) 11% 27 $72 11-25
Cannon Fodder Miniatures 3d Printed miniatures compatible with popular tabletop games! (Has currently earned $212 of $1,000) 21% 4 $53 11-24 #minis
Castle Madness A Lovecraftian cult-building game for 2-4 players, in which you are the Old One! (Has currently earned €1,281 of €32,000) 4% 29 €44 11-28
Commander Cube A subscription box delivering custom, curated card combos, booster packs and MtG "Sideboard" items straight to your door! (Has currently earned $2,402 of $1,000) 240% 33 $73 11-21
Conspiracy Theory Trivia Board Game Conspiracy Theory exposes a vast array of internet conspiracies ranging from the scarily believable to the hilariously funny. (Has currently earned $2,457 of $3,000) 81% 47 $52 11-17
Cowboys Rebranded A remastering of Worthingtons COWBOYS game, plastic tracking bases, new game board,rules and cards and scenarios. For 1 to 10 players. (Has currently earned $12,493 of $20,000) 62% 158 $79 11-06
Curse of the Farmer's Wife. A Pie Rats expansion Curse of the Farmer's Wife - an expansion for the game Pie Rats of the Carob Bean Farm. (Has currently earned $967 of $3,000) 32% 35 $28 11-23 #expansion base game
Dark Mages: Mini-Campaign Your chance to get your copy of Dark Mages, a fantasy card game combining dice rolling and RPG. (Has currently earned $4,743 CAD of $100 CAD) 4743% 74 $64 CAD 11-07
Dead Sprint A tile based board game that tasks 2-5 players with outrunning a horde of the undead! Use weapons, items and your wit to stay alive! (Has currently earned $1,769 of $30,000) 5% 17 $104 11-26
Dodgeball with Babies, Dragons, Kittens and Puppies Get ready for the epic dodgeball showdown between babies, dragons, kittens, and puppies in this action-packed and strategic card game! (Has currently earned $15,513 of $10,000) 155% 227 $68 12-06
Donald Trump Satire Trading Card Game A satirical Trading card game based off Donald Trump *(Has currently earned $0 of $2000) 0% 11-27 #lolwut
Dragon Bagons; CR10 dragon dicebags Do you have a hoard that needs guarding? A dragon could be your greatest ally. (Has currently earned $13,714 NZD of $26,500 NZD) 51% 177 $77 NZD 11-21 #bling
Dreamcatcher Catch nightmares as a divine entity in a rapid card game of trickery and risk. (Has currently earned €1,894 of €19,000) 9% 81 €23 11-22
Echidna Shuffle Relaunch Echidna Shuffle is a fun, easy and unique pick-up and delivery game for the whole family! (Has currently earned $4,028 of $5,000) 80% 133 $30 11-24 #take2
Ember: Ultimate Collection + Limited Edition Wood Deck Boxes The epic creature conjuring game is back for one final roar! Shipping November - get your copy for Christmas! With subsidised shipping! (Has currently earned £6,299 of £500) 1259% 114 £55 11-02 #reprint bgg
Epic Monster Tea Party A 20-minute, family-fun, fantasy tabletop game about monsters making a tasty tea full of victory points out of heroes! (Has currently earned $2,642 of $3,000) 88% 86 $31 11-28
Fear the Con 2018: This Con Goes to 11! Fear the Con, small enough to say "just show up and game," is back and you can help make it happen! (Has currently earned $3,700 of $6,000) 61% 34 $109 11-13 #con
Folded Space - Board Game Inserts and Organisers Board game inserts that are affordable enough to add improved game play and secure storage to many of your favourite games. (Has currently earned £6,856 of £8,500) 80% 295 £23 11-23 #bling
Full Moon Jacket Vietnam, 1968: You're elite soldiers on a special rescue mission. There's one catch, the night is coming and so are the Werewolves! (Has currently earned £28,164 of £35,000) 80% 436 £65 11-22
Gamer Nation Con 5: The Order of the Gamers The bestest 4 days of tabletop gaming is back for their 5th year! Join us in Plano, TX April 5-8 and be a part of the Gamer Nation! (Has currently earned $7,325 of $4,500) 162% 64 $114 11-22 #con
Gobblin' Goblins: The 'Orrible Eat-A-Thon Card Game Defeat your opponents by being the greediest goblin in a sneaky battle for gross gourmet food! (Has currently earned £1,880 of £5,500) 34% 73 £26 11-26
Hey There Fatty! By counting calories, going to the gym, and yes, even hosting a potluck, you can strategize to beat your friends and family. (Has currently earned $591 of $2,500) 23% 19 $31 11-22
Historical Conquest 2.0 We are starting an Education Revolution creating games similar to pop-culture games to excite players while learning something valuable (Has currently earned $8,935 of $57,000) 15% 48 $186 11-28 #2.0 1st ed
Kamigami Battles: A Reimagining of Kanzume Goddess Choose a God, recruit Warriors and battle for control of the Realm in this epic PVP deck-building card game for 2-6 players! (Has currently earned $46,564 of $25,000) 186% 323 $144 11-16
Kingship - The Card Game It's Medieval Crazy Eights! Cards are powerful when possessed in numbers, but only the first player to discard them all wins the game. (Has currently earned $1,045 CAD of $1,400 CAD) 74% 23 $45 CAD 11-15
KOLORS Kolors is a joy to play. It has its own unique elements that make the game special. Once you play Kolors, you will fall in love with it (Has currently earned $60 of $19,500) 0% 2 $30 11-29 #lolwut
Legacy Vault limited edition - Fang 'n Hood For all collectors, painters and gamers: a limited edition model created to celebrate this 2017 Halloween in a fantasy style! (Has currently earned €19,138 of €1,000) 1913% 296 €65 11-23 #minis
Lockwood's Asylum Lockwood's Asylum: A survival horror deck-building game where you build the opponent's deck! Gather allies, fight monsters, stay alive! (Has currently earned $4,051 of $9,000) 45% 72 $56 11-27
Marbowling A live-action board game that has been called "Addicting". We don't create board games, We create "Trick-Shooting Social Mega-Stars!" (Has currently earned $3,441 of $5,000) 68% 23 $150 11-23
Monsters!! - An Original Card Game Have you got what it takes to be the best monster and impress Dracula himself. Play this game with friends to find out. (Has currently earned £26 of £5,000) 0% 1 £5 11-24 #lolwut
Munchkin Starfinder A Starfinder-themed version of Munchkin complete with looting, lasers, and levels! (Has currently earned $49,993 of $10,000) 499% 786 $64 11-02 #expansion base game
Nighthawk Counters Premium hand-finished life counters and gaming accessories that look better and work better. (Has currently earned $1,883 CAD of $5,000 CAD) 37% 25 $75 CAD 11-23 #bling
Odd Fellows Youth Center We are a group of gamers and kids in a small town with the goal of creating a safe place for social gaming and events. (Has currently earned $1,176 of $20,000) 5% 13 $90 11-26 #cafe
Okko Chronicles Become a demon hunter as you track down and defeat the evil Oni in this miniatures game set in a fantasy feudal Japan! (Has currently earned €73,730 of €40,000) 184% 892 €83 11-16
Pakli - the mobile app for board gamers Pakli is a free, community-driven application, that connects board gamers and helps you organize game nights easily. (Has currently earned £987 of £30,000) 3% 54 £18 11-20 #app
Pigment - A Game for 2-3 Renaissance Painters Paint the works of the Renaissance masters in this fast, elegant, and portable worker placement game. (Has currently earned $5,610 of $8,000) 70% 205 $27 11-23
Plan 9 from Outer Space: The Deckbuilding Game Use your STUPID MINDS to build a deck of heroes from the Ed Wood classic "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and save humanity!! (Has currently earned $3,660 of $13,000) 28% 67 $55 11-23
Potlatch: A Card Game About Coast Salish Economics Potlatch is a card game based on indigenous economic systems of sharing, gifting, and status. It uses both English and Lushootseed. (Has currently earned $4,817 of $2,500) 192% 155 $31 12-22
QED - Quod Erat Disputandum Win debate battles against your fellow students at night by managing your time and resources wisely during the day. (Has currently earned £1,589 of £12,000) 13% 28 £57 11-25
Renown - The Game is a round based, highly strategic card game with mischevious gameplay for 2-4 players, in which four races fight for your glory. (Has currently earned €1,997 of €5,000) 39% 60 €33 11-22
Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right With creatures and cunning, you'll rule a fantastic forest kingdom in the ultimate asymmetric game of adventure and war. (Has currently earned $140,100 of $24,000) 583% 1904 $74 11-21
Sarah's Singularity A light, somewhat silly tactical game for 2-6 time travelers. (Has currently earned $6,155 of $15,000) 41% 169 $36 11-14
Shifting Realms Shifting Realms delivers a unique euro gaming experience every time you play it. It was created by Craig Van Ness and Jeff Van Ness. (Has currently earned $11,319 of $10,000) 113% 177 $64 11-24 #take2
Space Antimatter Space Antimatter the cards game. A really funny game based in cards. The game system is strategic. Play with your friends everywhere. (Has currently earned €476 of €25,000) 1% 17 €28 12-22
Speakeasy Blues By Sagrada's designers: Run a 1920s Speakeasy with celebrities, cops, gangsters, bootleg hooch, flappers, bling, sweet jazz, and more! (Has currently earned $14,034 of $5,000) 280% 259 $54 11-16
Storm Hollow: Call to Adventure Answer the call and discover Storm Hollow, a component-rich RPG for all ages. Delightful as your dreams, or as dark as your doubts... (Has currently earned $3,821 of $35,000) 10% 60 $64 11-09 #rpg
TREE TOP HOP: The Big Board Game for Little Spellers A full sized, adult style board game for kids where young explorers race and hop across the treetops on a spelling adventure! (Has currently earned $1,607 of $12,500) 12% 13 $124 11-28
Twenty Six Test your wits You must be quick Cause all you've got Is 26! (Has currently earned $203 of $2,220) 9% 7 $29 11-23 #lolwut
WatUR: Royal Game of UR, ModURnized The ancient two-player race game from the cradle of civilization gets upgraded with printed circuit board technology (Has currently earned $495 of $7,350) 6% 10 $50 11-16
Who Gets the Glory Who Gets the Glory is a fast paced adventure Table top game. (Has currently earned $0 of $5,000) 0% 0 NA 12-01 #lolwut
Wiener Takes All Welcome to the sausage festival! Flirt with the vendors to get their wieners! Whoever scores the most and the biggest wins! (Has currently earned $1,674 of $39,000) 4% 48 $35 11-27
Zoomaka - The animal card game! A strategic card game with a lot of Take that! Compete with friends and be the first to open your Zoo. (Has currently earned kr28,157 SEK of kr30,000 SEK) 93% 93 kr303 SEK 11-15 #take2
Looking for more comprehensive Kickstarter gaming information? Check out the meta listings on BGG, explore Kicktraq's data-driven views, or, of course, Kickstater's Tabletop Category.


  • #hmm means that something about the project seems a little off. Buyer beware kinda thing.
  • #lolwut is reserved for projects that seem like trainwrecks. Check 'em out for amusement.
  • #take tags are for projects that have been restarted for some reason, with the number indicating what iteration we're currently on.
  • Did I miss something? Particularly stuff that might go in the Comments column? Let me know and I'll add it in.
Tip Jar - Keep me in Kickstarter money.
submitted by Zelbinian to boardgames [link] [comments]

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Large variety of metal, plastic, and wood poker chip trays and racks for any size poker game. View as Grid List. 15 Items ... Acrylic Chip Tray With Lid For 43mm Size Poker Chips $4.00 As low as $3.75. View Product . Add to Cart. Acrylic Chip Trays - No Lid - Pack of 10 $12.95. View Product . The best sign-up bonuses at casinos are those Wood Poker Chip Tray Plans that are lucrative, easy to understand, and do not restrict the betting process. To this end, has put together a list of the best sign-up bonuses offered by the most popular Wood Poker Chip Tray Plans casinos online. All of these casinos are open to USA players and the sign-up bonuses are clear, concise, and offer the ... A classy wooden felt lined poker chip box. Holds approx 100 chips with also room for cards and dice. Additional Information. Set Size: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000. ... There are no reviews yet. Be the first to review “Wooden Poker Chip Tray / Box” Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * One of the crucial accessories on a poker table is the poker chip tray. These trays are used to store and arrange poker chips. They can either be built on top of the table, or you can have them built-in a poker table. Professional Metal Casino Poker Chip Tray & Locking Cover (12 Row / 720 Chip) $124.95 Professional Metal Casino Poker Chip Tray & Locking Cover (8 Row / 420 Chip) carries a large selection of gaming chip table trays. Choose from metal or plastic in different sizes. 100pcs Acrylic 40mm-45mm poker chip tray with lid, transparent chip tray 100pcs Casino chip tray, 5rows,20pc chip per row Acrylic poker chip tray with lid, avaiable for 40 to 45mm poker chip Chip rack size: 205(L)*75(W)*30(H)mm Rack weight: 90gram; This rack can load to 100 pcs of diameter 40mm chips; It can with a tranparent lid Poker chip trays. Plastic, Abs, Metal and aluminum chip racks, 6 row , 9 row , 10 row, 12 row, 15 row poker chip trays all casino tables Cardinal 100 Poker Chip Set, Las Vegas Style Stackable Tray, 11.5 G Heavy Weight 5 out of 5 stars (7) 7 product ratings - Cardinal 100 Poker Chip Set, Las Vegas Style Stackable Tray, 11.5 G Heavy Weight Way back in 2006, I was commissioned to build a set of poker chip trays by a gentleman named Chris Hoomani. I then had the good fortune of writing an article in Woodcraft Magazine featuring those very trays. Read the article here.

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